Our Partners

All our partners are fair trade certified (or strictly follow fair trade principles) and are hand selected by us. They’re working tirelessly to be the change they wish to see in the world; empowering the most disadvantaged people on the planet by providing them with vocational training and fair wages which creates long-term stability, boosts confidence and improves mental health … and has the potential to drastically reduce poverty on a global scale.
By buying from us, you’re helping support them … and truly transform lives.
Lost in Samsara is a proud member of BAFTS - Fair Trade Network UK and of Social Enterprise UK
Craftworks Cambodia - Cambodia
• The making of their products provides work to 49 artisans
• The purchase of their crafts provides living wages and training to disabled people, mainly victims of land mines and polio
Just Trade - Peru, Ecuador and India
• The making of their products provides work to 147 artisans
• The purchase of their crafts provides living wages, workshops and training, new tools
Maya Traditions Foundation - Guatemala
• The making of their products provides work to 94 artisans
• The purchase of their crafts provides living wages, literacy programs, artisan development programs, community health programs, youth scholarships, community tourism
Smart Crafts - Cambodia
• The making of their products provides work to 13 artisans
• The purchase of their crafts provides living wages and training to disabled people, mainly victims of land mines and polio
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